Nunchaku-do is a dynamic Martial Art based on a specially developed ‘WNA Safety-Nunchaku’.
The Nunchaku became well-known owing to the films of Bruce Lee. With this special Nunchaku, a safe competitive sport has been developed for children and adults alike with different disciplines: Kumite, Kata, Freestyle and Jutsu. Nunchaku-do is recognized in the Netherlands by NOC*NSF. Learn more:
The owner of this website is Nunchaku-do founder Milco Lambrecht (7th Dan). He is also founder of the WNA Safety Nunchaku. Nunchaku-do is a sport that uses the official WNA safety nunchaku, as it was developed by Milco Lambrecht in the 1980s. His “WNA safety nunchaku’s” are officially recognized in the Netherlands and the sport “Nunchaku-do” is affiliated with NOC * NSF (member organization IOC). He is also the author of the book “Nunchaku: From Secret Weapon to Official Sport”.
Click here for more great news about Milco and Nunchaku-do.